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Tesa Powerstrips SMALL Ganchos Pequeños redondos


3 hooks Available in White or Silver+ 4 strips SMALL are versatile self-adhesive bathroom & kitchen that match thousands of applications. They can be attached within a minute and are designed to hang up anything weighing up to 1 kg without the need to drill holes. Following the trend for sustainable product they are even reusable hooks designed for repeated removal and attachment.

4,69 €
4,69 € tax excl.
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How to apply - Step by step:

1. Clean the surface with alcohol or silicone-free glass cleaner
2. Apply the Powerstrip Small strip on the surface - press for 5 seconds minimum
3. Open the hook and stick the back of the hook onto the strip - press for 5 seconds minimum
4. Close and snap-lock the hook.

Easy mounting without drilling

Forget about your toolbox. With tesa Powerstrips Hooks Small Round you won't need any power drill, hammer or screwdriver just to set up a hook. You only need to clean the surface with alcohol or any silicone-free detergent, stick the enclosed Powerstrip Small onto the wall, firmly press the base plate of the hook against it and let the hook snap in. This works best on smooth and even surfaces and even allows you to fasten a hook on tiles without damaging them.

Removable fixation for added freedom

These Powerstrips hooks from tesa are a great damage-free tanging solution for easy hanging without damaging the wall. But there is even more to it: these smart hooks leave you with the opportunity to change your mind anytime. If you don't need a particular hook anymore, simply pull off its Powerstrip Small and it will come off the wall immediately. There will be no holes to cover, no damaged tiles, no traces of bonding agent to remove – not a trace at all.

Resusing instead of disposing

With the Round-shaped tesa hooks you not only have a great solution to organize your home. These small plastic hooks also offer you unprecedented flexibility. Do not waste resources after you have taken a hook off the wall. Retain it and use it again for any occasion that calls for a practical hook. The only thing you need is a pack of replacement Powerstrips Small and you can reuse the hook wherever it comes in handy.

Ideal for kitchen, bathroom, everywhere

Tesa Powerstrips Hooks Small Round are perfect to hang up towels or other utensils in the bathroom or kitchen but they also come in handy in the childen's rooms. Plus they are ideal for the office, where thy can be used to keep frequently needed office equipment within easy reach.

Not suitable for use on styrofoam, foamed material, surfaces with non-stick coating, porous materials.

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